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Things to know for first time massage clients

- Massage therapy can be helpful for treating soft tissue and joint pain and discomfort, stiffness, limited movement, and headaches. It has also been known to help manage stress, improve quality of sleep, and contribute to overall wellness.


- It is normal to feel some soreness after a massage therapy treatment and/or for a few days after, however if soreness lasts for more than a few days or gets worse you should contact your therapist.


- Everyone reacts to massage therapy differently, and sometimes you may feel dizzy, nauseous or have a headache after your treatment. This has been known to happen, but if your symptoms are severe let your therapist know. 


- If it is possible, wear loose fitting and comfortable clothing


- You can undress however you feel comfortable to receive your treatment. Some people remove all their clothes, while others undress down to their underwear. If you are not comfortable removing that much clothing, bring a tank top or sports bra and a pair of shorts to wear during your treatment. 


- Massage therapy can cause mild dehydration (due to increased circulation), so make sure to drink plenty of water on the day of your treatment.


- Emma offers direct billing for Blue Cross and most other major providers. Each insurance plan is unique, and some plans are not eligible for direct billing, while other plans may require a doctor's referral to be billed directly. If you have never used your plan for massage therapy, it is best to contact your insurance provider and find out all the details of your plan prior to your appointment. 


- Emma can also take cash and credit or debit cards with tap as payment.



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